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How Data Collaboration is Fueling Privacy-Centric Measurement

  • - Daniella Harkins
  • 2 min read

Data collaboration, increasingly facilitated through enhanced clean room environments, is gaining momentum as a strategic approach to privacy-centric measurement. At RampUp 2023 — LiveRamp’s annual conference exploring how data can unlock enduring business value and brand loyalty executives across media, brands, and technology discussed how this strategy is driving enterprise success. Kemal Bokhari, Head of Data, Measurement & Analytics at DISH Media, Joe Keating, Analytics Director at Hill’s Pet Nutrition, and Thibaut Munier, Co-Founder & CEO at Numberly, are among those who took the stage to share key learnings firsthand.

Data collaboration partnerships have become a necessary step in uncovering more granular insights and analytics. Leveraging the capabilities of clean room environments has allowed DISH Media, Hill’s Pet Nutrition, and Numberly to uncover a number of new insights and advance business outcomes: 

“This puts us back in the driver’s seat in so many ways. It also means we can have different conversations with some of those walled gardens.” – Joe Keating, Analytics Director, Hill’s Pet Nutrition

“The beauty of the model that we built is that it’s very unique. We can match commerce-level data with media data, with first-party data. The combination of the three is extremely valuable for targeting, audience profiling and measurement.” – Thibaut Munier, Co-Founder & CEO, Numberly

“We’ve been able to help brands such as Hill’s do multi-touch attribution without revealing any kind of consumer identity or being able to re-identify any consumers. This opens up opportunities for brands to holistically look at their addressable, digital, and linear in one.” – Kemal Bokhari, Head of Data, Measurement & Analytics, DISH Media

Tune into the session to hear more of Joe, Thibaut and Kemal’s predictions for the future of measurement and how fellow companies can get started. Their insight also covers strategic business priorities including:

  • How to forge new data collaboration partnerships
  • How to align with and prove value to internal stakeholders
  • How “test, learn and scale” approaches set teams up for success

Research Study: Data Collaboration Fuels Revenue Growth

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