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Connected by Data, Powered by People

  • - Amanda Freuler
  • 2 min read

This year at RampUp, we celebrated being connected by data and the rich stories that data tells about each of us. 

Global marketing and tech leaders from industry-leading brands, publishers, and technology platforms convened in San Francisco from Feb. 28 to March 1 to share how they’re future-readying their businesses through data collaboration. Data collaboration is made possible with the right partners, platforms, and—most importantly—customer insights.

More than 2,000 attendees filled conference rooms to hear leaders from McDonald’s, Albertsons, Mars, P&G, Pinterest, and more share how they’re creating stronger connections with customers through data collaboration. Here are a few of the key takeaways from RampUp 2023.  

The future starts with collaboration

Brands want to know their shoppers, viewers, and travelers to provide the offers and experiences people want. So often, this one narrow part of the customer is all that brands see from their first-party data. Marketers know they need more data, but LiveRamp’s CEO Scott Howe said what they really need is more collaboration. 

Relying on your own first-party data is like seeing a few stars in the sky. When you connect your data safely with other brands’, constellations of entire customer journeys start to form. 

“We choose the data,” Howe said. “Let’s chart a new path where data collaboration is our fuel.”

Data balanced with intuition is where magic can happen

In her keynote session on Tuesday, Bozoma Saint John reminded us that data is only part of the story. Layering in your intuition and what energizes you is where the magic can happen. 

“Why are we not applying our intuition to data? It’s a combination of interpreting data, using our intuition, and sprinkling in some of that magic on there,” she shared toward the end of her session titled, “Creativity, Authenticity, and Channeling Your Inner Badass.” 

As the marketer who brought the world Beyonce at the Super Bowl halftime show in 2013, in addition to countless other iconic, viral moments, Boz inspired our audience to not only use data in new ways, but also to bring their full selves to work. Intuition and creativity can only happen when people feel full and authentic, which is up to leaders to foster in team environments.

“We spend too much time in these spaces to not share what is happening in our lives. It’s up to us as leaders to make sure it’s an environment where people feel free. We need spaces that allow us to be full and complete,” she said.

We’d like to thank all attendees, speakers, and sponsors for making this year’s RampUp unforgettable. We hope to see you in 2024! Until then, find more thought leadership and resources here. 


Research Study: Data Collaboration Fuels Revenue Growth

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