
CTV Activation Guide for Brands

How to reach your ideal audiences on digital’s biggest screens

Get this guide

Connected TV (CTV) is exploding – nearly 9 out of 10 US households have a CTV device, and more than a quarter of viewers have made a purchase after seeing a CTV ad. With its blend of precise digital targeting and the premium impact of the home’s biggest screens, CTV is a must-have for marketer’s media plans. But making the most of CTV starts with activating your first-party data. 

Download the CTV Activation Guide for Brands to:

  • Explore how data activation can help you reach the right audiences and unify measurement across channels and streaming platforms 
  • Get a step-by-step guide to building a data activation strategy for CTV advertising success
  • Discover activation strategies that brands like NBCU, Roku, Kroger, and Nielsen use to maximize CTV spend